The aroma is characterised by a heady mix of lemon peel and pine needles layered beneath a clean spiciness during selection. NZ Southern Cross has an excellent essential oil profile and low Cohumulone while producing consistent levels of alpha acid.
A dual purpose/soft bittering hop with a citrus “lemon zest” character with hints of pine (11-14% AA).
A kettle variety of the highest order NZ Southern Cross imparts a soft bitterness with a subtle resinous quality. The essential oil component is such that it can deliver a delicate balance of citrus and spice when added at the end of boil or a much bigger punch in the hopback or direct to the fermenter .
'A hop with many talents’
Alpha Acids and Total Oil matched with low cohumulone find this extraordinary hop several applications, single or multi-purpose to achieve subtle citrusy lager to big fruity driven ales.