Acidity provides the crisp, slightly tart taste of wine on your palate. Too little acid, and your wine tastes bland and non-committal and will be more susceptible to spoilage. Too much acid, and your taste buds scream for relief. When acids are properly countered by the other ingredients in wine (such as alcohol, sugars, trace minerals, etc.), the wine is said to be "in balance", which is the desired end result of all winemakers.
Citric Acid is predominately found in Blueberry, Bilberry, Currants, Elderberry, Gooseberry, Grapefruit, Kumquat, Kiwifruit, Lemon, Lime, orange, Raspberry, Strawberry and tangering. Cranberry and Pomegranate cotain some citric and malic. Use to increase acidity in your must.
NB:Try to avoid using lemon juice as a source of citric acid as it is an "unmeasurable" ingredient making it difficult to replicate the exact results on your next wine. Methods that call for the random addition of a teaspoon of acid per gallon lack foundation in wine making knowledge and therefore should be avoided.
Discuss with us how to more precisely measure and control acid to produce more balanced wines. As we buy this in bulk from a major commerical winery supplier we can arrange larger quantities. if ordering 1kg or more please put in an on-line order for collection so we have time to get the item ready from bulk storage.